NCRA's 50th Anniversary

In 2024, the National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) celebrates 50 years of empowering and advancing cancer registry professionals in the cancer surveillance community and beyond.  In honor of our golden anniversary, NCRA presents a look at our history and heroes. Below you will find a comprehensive timeline of the organization and its connection to the growth of the cancer registry profession. Visit our 50 for 50 Heros page and learn about the some of the incredible individuals who have shaped the organization! 

Do you have an NCRA story that needs to be told? Now is your opportunity to share your NCRA memories! Click on ‘Share NCRA Memories’ below and submit text or images to be part of #NCRAMemories: NCRA will be sharing your memories on social media to celebrate the closing of our 50th Anniversary in December 2024! 


50 for 50

50th Anniversary Merch

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Learn NCRA's History