Volunteer: Ways to Help

NCRA relies on its membership for committee leadership and expertise.  Volunteers represent a key strategic asset of NCRA as they provide an integral role in guiding the content deliverable to the membership.  The work they do on behalf of NCRA allows far broader and deeper support to the membership than would otherwise be possible. 

Volunteering for NCRA is a great professional development opportunity!

Terms for positions are noted in the table below and range from 2-3 years. Please read each position’s description by following the related link in the table below.  

If you are interested in applying to one of these positions, please fill out NCRA’s Candidate Profile Form

Deadline to apply is March 5, 2024!

NCRA is looking for volunteers for the following leadership positions: 



Typical volunteer hours required

Travel- (supported by NCRA)

Key Responsibilities

Link to Policy and Procedure


 Position (2 positions)

June 2024- May 2026

5 hours per quarter


-Offer advice to the President and the Board of Directors regarding the NCRA business operations.

-Manage and administer the NCRA Strategic Management Plan

-Provide professional development guidance to the Board

-Administer the Danielle Chufar Memorial Annual Scholarship Fund.


2026 Annual Conference Program Committee Chair

June 2024- May 2026

5 hours per quarter


The Program Committee is responsible for the program content, as well as a poster session for the Annual Conference.

AC Program Committee

Education Committee Chair

June 2024- May 2026

5-7 hours per quarter


The Education Committee is responsible for identifying the educational needs of NCRA and coordinate existing continuing education programs.

Education Committee

Website Committee Chair

June 2024- May 2026

5 hours per quarter


The purpose of the NCRA Website Committee is to routinely monitor NCRA’s website, www.ncra-usa.org, investigate and recommend new sources of content for the cancer registry profession  

Website Committee

Awards Committee Chair

June 2024- May 2026

5-7 hours per quarter


The purpose of the awards committee is to honor and recognize outstanding contributions made by NCRA members in the areas of each award.

Awards Committee

Mentoring Committee Chair

June 2024- May 2026

5 hours per quarter


The Mentoring Committee is responsible for the development and promotion of products and services of a mentoring nature, in support of all future ODS-certified registrars..

Mentoring Committee

Nominating Committee Chair

June 2024- May 2026

7-10 hours per quarter


The Nominating Committee is responsible for preparation of the ballots for the elected officers on an annual basis. The Committee ensures that the ballots are prepared and the announcement for elections is sent to members of NCRA.

Nominating Committee

Program Recognition Committee Chair

June 2024- May 2026

3-5 Hours per quarter


The Program Recognition Committee (PRC) is responsible for evaluating activities for cancer registry continuing educational value, assigning appropriate continuing education hours, monthly publication of the approved educational activities

Program Recognition Committee

Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Liaison

June 2024- May 2026

2 hours per quarter


The Technical Advisory Group Liaison is responsible for keeping the board informed on current best practices.

TAG Liaison  

The Connection Editor

June 2024- May 2026

7-10 hours per quarter


The Connection is issued quarterly: spring, summer, fall, and winter. The Connection Editor is responsible for reviewing and editing each quarterly Connection issue.

The Connection  

NCRA Education Foundation Board Member (3 positions)

June 2024 – May 2027

7-10 hours per quarter


Support the activities of Foundation by participating in bimonthly conference calls during business hours. Chair or support committee efforts of the Foundation. Priorities of the Foundation are Cancer registrar recruitment and retention, diversity of the workforce, supporting HIM programs around the instruction of the cancer registry information.

NCRA Education Foundation