Announcements and news releases from NCRA are below. NCRA also offers timely and relevant news, information and tools to our members through The Update; NCRA’s bi-weekly e-newsletter for members, The Connection; the official newsletter of NCRA, and social media.
Please direct all media inquiries to: Lauren Martella, Marketing and Strategic Partnerships Manager 703-299-6640 Ext. 326 Annual Conference Program Exhibits Communications/Press Job Bank Marketing Social Media National Cancer Registrars Week
NCRA Strategic Management Plan (SMP): 2025-2029
Alexandria, VA, January 23, 2025 – The National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) has released its Strategic Management Plan (SMP): 2025-2029. The plan guides the development of NCRA’s primary activities and programs and ensures leadership, volunteers, and staff are addressing the needs of members and partners. Key to the new SMP is a revised vision statement: Making Oncology Data Matter. This directive highlights the central role registrars play in understanding the nation’s cancer burden and the efficacy of screening initiatives and treatment protocols.
Read More: NCRA Strategic Management Plan (SMP): 2025-2029
National Cancer Registrars Association New National Workload and Staffing Study Provides Key Data to Inform Cancer Registry Staff Planning and Budgeting
The National Cancer Registrars Association releases the Cancer Registrar Workload and Staffing Study: Guidelines for Hospital Cancer Registry Programs to provide hospital cancer registries with national workload data to inform staff planning and budgeting. The study documents and quantifies the required tasks of hospital-based cancer registrars and serves as a tool for managers in advocating for adequate staffing and training. The study also explores the future needs and skills of the cancer registry workforce.
Read More: National Cancer Registrars Association New National Workload and Staffing Study Provides Key Data to Inform Cancer Registry Staff Planning and Budgeting
Cancer organizations applaud Senators Kelly and Tillis upon introduction of the Counting Veterans Care ACT of 2023
Alexandria, VA, June 16, 2023— The National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc. (NAACCR, Inc.) commended Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) upon the introduction of the Counting Veterans’ Cancer Act of 2023—bipartisan legislation that would ensure veterans’ cancer cases are fully accounted for in national cancer registries.
“Senators Kelly and Tillis’ legislation will help identify cancer-related disparities among veterans, improve the understanding of the cancer-related needs of veterans and increase opportunities for veterans with cancer to be included in clinical trials, cancer-related research, and analysis,” said Lori Swain, Executive Director of the National Cancer Registrars Association.
Read More: Cancer organizations applaud Senators Kelly and Tillis upon introduction of the Counting Veterans Care ACT of 2023
Three Members Receive NCRA’s Highest Honors at The National Cancer Registrars Association’s Annual Educational Conference in San Diego, CA
Alexandria, VA, June 21, 2023 — The National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) acknowledged three exceptional members at its Annual Educational Conference in San Diego, CA during the Recognition & Celebration Reception on May 9, 2023. Janet Reynolds, BA, ODS received the Distinguished Member Award; Sara Biese, RHIT, ODS, was honored with the Educational Achievement Award; and Andrea Sipin-Baliwas, MS, ODS was presented with the Volunteer Excellence Award. Established in 1987, the NCRA Awards Program highlights outstanding contributions to the cancer registry profession and the association.
Read More: Three Members Receive NCRA’s Highest Honors at The National Cancer Registrars Association’s Annual Educational Conference in San Diego, CA
NCRA Releases New Salary Survey for Cancer Registrars
Alexandria, VA, January 31, 2023—The National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) has released its Salary Considerations for Cancer Registrars: 2022 to provide registrars and human resource departments with accurate and timely salary information to inform the hiring practices of this critical health information profession. The salary data was collected in 2022 as part of the most recent Role Delineation Study (RDS) of cancer registry professionals. NCRA’s Council on Certification conducts an RDS every five years to inform the process of updating the test content for the Certified Tumor Registrar (CTR®) exam. In addition to questions about the essential performance domains and job tasks of cancer registry professionals across the range of registry roles and settings, the 2022 RDS contained questions about the demographic characteristics of respondents, including education level, income, benefits, and employer information. NCRA used the data to conduct further analyses of demographic and job characteristics related to income within the cancer registry workforce.
Read More:NCRA Releases New Salary Survey for Cancer Registrars
Nadine R. Walker, MS, ODS Begins Role as NCRA’s Senior Director of Professional Practice
Alexandria, VA, February, 2023— The National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) is pleased to welcome Nadine Walker, MS, ODS in her new role as NCRA’s Senior Director of Professional Practice. “Nadine brings the experience and knowledge of a cancer registrar, as well as comprehensive involvement with NCRA’s volunteer leadership that supports the efforts of this role” said Vanessa R. Hoffmann, BS, ODS, NCRA President. Walker will be responsible for the direction, management, and delivery of NCRA products and services that are tied to the organization’s strategic development and cancer registrar professional practice. She has previously served on the NCRA Board of Directors as its President, and has also served as NCRA’s Immediate Past President, Recruitment & Retention Director, and Advocacy & Technical Practice Director for the eastern region.
Read More:Nadine R. Walker, MS, ODS Begins Role as NCRA’s Senior Director of Professional Practice.
Vanessa R Stinson Hoffmann, BS, ODS Begins Term as President of the National Cancer Registrars Association
Alexandria, VA, June 1, 2022—Vanessa R Stinson Hoffmann, BS, ODS began her presidency of the National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) on Monday, June 1 2022. In her role as president, Stinson Hoffmann will represent the organization at national meetings and support its mission to empower and advance registry professionals through innovations in education, advocacy, credentialing, and strategic partnerships. Stinson Hoffmann was drawn to the medical field through a passion to be of service. She began as a cardiovascular technician, moving to the traumatic brain injury field, then discovered the cancer registry profession. Like many, she was called to pursue the ODS credential through personal connection and to fight in the ongoing battle against cancer. Stinson Hoffmann is currently Oncology Data and Accreditation Manager at Sarah Cannon and manages the Commission on Cancer’s accreditations for multiple hospitals across the United States. Her dedication and leadership in the profession extend beyond her own career, she has served as the Education Chair of the Tumor Registrars Association of Maryland, as well as Advocacy and Technical Practice Director (ATPD) East for NCRA.
Read More: Vanessa R Stinson Hoffmann, BS, ODS Begins Term as President of the National Cancer Registrars Association
National Cancer Registrars Week (NCRW)
April 4-8, 2022
Cancer Registrars: Enhance Cancer Care One Data Point at a Time
Alexandria, VA, March 7, 2022 — Cancer registrars throughout the world will join their colleagues, fellow medical professionals, and community leaders to observe the 26th annual National Cancer Registrars Week (NCRW) on April 4-8, 2022. The 2022 theme, Cancer Registrars: Cancer Registrars Enhance Cancer Care One Data Point at a Time, reflects the important role cancer registrars play in capturing data that informs cancer research, prevention, and treatment programs. “Take a moment the week of April 4-8 to celebrate the cancer registry profession by promoting what we do. Have pride in the fact that you are having a positive impact on improving cancer prevention and treatment,” advises NCRW Committee Chair Karen E. Schmidt, ODS.
Read More: National Cancer Registrars Week 2022 Press Release
Closed Captioning Included in NCRA 2021 Educational Conference Session Recordings
NCRA is pleased to announce that closed captioning is now included for the 2021 Annual Educational Conference Session Recordings, available through the Center for Cancer Registry Education (CCRE). Offering closed captioning increases accessibility to NCRA’s educational offerings and furthers the association’s dedication to ensure a diverse workforce. “This is an important step that allows the deaf and hard of hearing individuals and those with cognitive and learning behaviors to experience our educational content. It adds clarity to the information presented and is optimal for sound sensitive environments.” said Ebony Johnson, ODS, of the NCRA Workforce Diversity Working Group.
Read More: Closed Captioning Available for NCRA 2021 and Future Conference Session Recordings
NCRA Releases the New 4th Edition of Cancer Registry Management Principles and Practice for Hospitals and Central Registries
NCRA's Cancer Registry Management Principles and Practice for Hospitals and Central Registries is the premier textbook and desk reference for the cancer registry profession. It has been revised by a volunteer team of cancer registry professionals who represent various organizations and entities from the cancer surveillance community in North America in a new, definitive update. The fourth edition is available for purchase in the NCRA store with the e-publication launching in late July. NCRA members may purchase at a discounted price.
Read More: 4th Edition Textbook Available 2021
Karen A Mason, MSc, RN, ODS Begins Term as President of the National Cancer Registrars Association
Alexandria, VA, June 21, 2021— Karen A Mason, MSc, RN, ODS, began her presidency of the National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA) on Monday, June 7 2021. NCRA is a non-profit organization that represents nearly 6,500 cancer registry professionals. Cancer registrars are data information specialists that capture a complete history, diagnosis, treatment, and health status for every cancer patient in the U.S. The data provide essential information to researchers, healthcare providers, and public health officials to better monitor and advance cancer treatments, conduct research, and improve cancer prevention and screening programs. In her role as president, Mason will represent the organization at national meetings and support its mission to empower and advance registry professionals through innovations in education, advocacy, credentialing, and strategic partnerships.
Read More: Mason President 2021 Press Release
National Cancer Registrars Week (NCRW) April 5-9, 2021
Cancer Registrars: The Driving Force of Cancer Data Alexandria, VA, February 22, 2021 — Cancer registrars throughout the world will join their colleagues, fellow medical professionals, and community leaders to observe the 25th annual National Cancer Registrars Week (NCRW) on April 5-9, 2021. The 2021 theme, Cancer Registrars: The Driving Force of Cancer Data, reflects the critical role cancer registrars play in capturing the data that informs cancer prevention and screening programs, treatment, and research.
Read More: NCRW 2021 Press Release
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National Cancer Registrars Week
The Connection
Cancer registrars are data information specialists who capture a complete history, diagnosis, treatment, and health status for every cancer patient in the U.S. The curated data provides essential information to researchers, healthcare providers, and public health officials to better monitor and advance cancer treatments, conduct research, and improve cancer prevention and screening programs. Learn more about how to become a cancer registrar and how cancer registry data is used to improve public health.
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