NCRA is non-profit organization that represents over 7,000 cancer registry professionals and administers the ODS credential. The mission of NCRA is to empower and advance registry professionals through innovations in education, advocacy, credentialing, and strategic partnerships. NCRA provides ongoing training through various mediums including annual conferences, workshops, publications, and their continuing education credit program.
Cancer registrars work for hospital, state, and federal cancer registries, and the information they collect is reported, by law, to state and federal government agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute. This curated data provides essential information to researchers, healthcare providers, and public health officials to better monitor and advance cancer treatments, conduct research, and improve cancer prevention and screening programs.
The National Tumor Registrars Association (NTRA) was chartered on May 14, 1974, in 1993, the NTRA became the National Cancer Registrars Association. In 2024, NCRA and its Council on Certification updated the name of its credential CTR, Certified Tumor Registrar, to ODS, Oncology Data Specialist. The new name better aligns with the evolving scope of practice of cancer registrars and reflects NCRA’s continued commitment to evolve with the cancer registry profession. This credential sets the standard for professional excellence in the cancer registry field. It is nationally recognized in the recruitment and retention of registry personnel.
Become a Cancer Registrar: A Beginner’s Guide
Cancer Registry Event Calendar
National Cancer Registrars Week
Center For Cancer Registry Education
ODS Credential
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Cancer registrars are data information specialists who capture a complete history, diagnosis, treatment, and health status for every cancer patient in the U.S. The curated data provides essential information to researchers, healthcare providers, and public health officials to better monitor and advance cancer treatments, conduct research, and improve cancer prevention and screening programs. Learn more about how to become a cancer registrar and how cancer registry data is used to improve public health.
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