Certification Maintenance CE Submission Form

Easily manage your Continuing Education (CE) activities online.

 All CEs must be earned within your CE Cycle.  Avoid waiting until the 12/31 deadline.  For ODS-certified professionals whose CE Cycle ends 12/31/24, CEs submitted after the submission deadline of 1/31/25 are subject to a late-filing fee and possible credential revocation.

A Late Fee is now due for all 2024 CE Submissions received after 1/31/25. 

  • CEs completed through NCRA's Center for Cancer Registry Education will automatically populate as CEs Earned.
  • Search for NCRA pre-approved activities you attended and save them to CEs Earned.
  • Manually enter details of any Non-NCRA pre-approved activity to save them to CEs Earned.
  • How to Submit CEs and Troubleshooting.
  • Please enter all NCRA Pre-Approved Activities using the Pre-Approved Activity Search.  Submissions with NCRA Program Numbers entered as “Other Eligible CEs” will not be accepted. Find NCRA Program Numbers on completion certificates or https://www.ncra-usa.org/Education/NCRA-Approved-Education

After you have entered the required CEs for your CE cycle, you will be able to easily submit your CEs Earned as your completed CE Summary Form. Click the SUBMIT button to send your CEs Earned to NCRA.  You must have a minimum of 20 total CEs and 4 Category A CEs for the SUBMIT button to appear.

After you successfully submit your CE’s you will receive an email confirmation that includes a copy of your submission.  Please allow up to 4 weeks for the review process to be completed.  Once your CEs are approved you will receive an approval email that includes instructions on how to access your new CE Cycle Validation Certificate.  All email confirmations will be sent to the email displayed under Contact Information.

If you have any questions, contact NCRA staff, ce@ncra-usa.org

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